
About Me

  • I live in Houston with my wonderful husband and best friend.  We will add a new little one to our family in August.  We will name him Aiden Alan, and he will be perfect. 
  •  I LOVE TEXAS, and everything about it -including the heat!  I get very cold easily, so the Houston heat is perfect for me.  I couldn't imagine living in any other state!
  • I am the Literacy Coach for my school.  I absolutely love my much to the point that I work on school stuff all summer, and can't wait to get back.  I love discovering new children's books and adding them to my collection.
  • I have the best dog in the world - Brinkley, who I named after the dog in my favorite movie-You've Got Mail.  Brinkley is a White Malti-Poo, and the sweetest, cuddliest, and smartest dog I know!
  • I am a bit of an Introvert. I enjoy spending time with people, but I also don't mind my alone time.  In fact, sometimes I get excited to just relax and be home alone - just me and Eric.  When I'm around a bunch of people for too long, I start to get anxious, and you don't wanna see me in a crowd!  I also get anxious when I am outside in the filth and bugs and can't do anything about it.  I do love working on my yard though, and I love to run. Running is my stress release.
  • I HEART PIZZA MORE THAN ANY OTHER FOOD. I could literally eat it for every meal!  I don't like steak or really any red meat.  
  • I LOVE TO READ!  I got my Masters in Reading at Harding University.  My favorite genre is Historical Fiction.  I almost went to college to become a high school History teacher.  
  • My favorite movie is You've Got Mail, and I always watch it (and can quote every line) whenever I'm sick or down. Makes me feel better. Really.
  • My faith drives me forward in life, and I know that God is leading me.  I love singing praises, especially hymns, and I think it's sad they they are not sung as much anymore, and an entire generation will grow up not knowing some of the most deep and meaningful praises to God.