
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Our Birth Story

I haven't had a chance to write our birth story yet.  I wanted to document it early so we wouldn't forget the details or how we felt.  Quite frankly, I'm lucky to be here.  I am so thankful for the doctors that attended to me, and I can't imagine going through that anywhere else.  I don't think we understood the seriousness of it until we were able to rehash the events later on.

I started having contractions on Saturday evening - about 12 minutes apart.  Eric was very anxious, and wanting to time each one, but I knew it wasn't time yet.  He even got up at one point and got dressed - all ready to go to the hospital.  I was more calm, and just went to bed.  I woke up the next morning around 7 and was feeling the contractions closer together - about 5 minutes.  They weren't really painful, so I still wasn't too sure I was going into labor, but we called the emergency line anyways and talked to the on-call nurse.  She said to give it another hour, to see if they became painful, and then call back.  We waited, and like clockwork, the pain began.  It was sometimes funny how I could be in the middle of a conversation and then just have to stop because of a contraction.  We called back at 9am, and she told us to go to the hospital.  We were excited to finally begin this journey!

We pulled up to the hospital, valeted the car, and walked in.  We met our nurse, Linda, and she led us to our Labor and Delivery room.  I got all hooked up, we called family, and the waiting began.  Contractions were pretty much staying at 3 minutes apart, and my water still hadn't broken by the time my doctor came in for the third time, so she asked if I wanted her to break it.  I told her I'd wait a little bit.  Contractions were getting stronger, and I was worried about the pain once my water was broken.  I asked my nurse later whether I should go ahead and get the epidural first before breaking my water, and she definitely recommended it, so I went ahead and got the epidural.  I had always expected that to hurt, ad it really didn't.  I felt AMAZING afterwards, and enjoyed several family members coming in to visit.  My doctor came in and broke my water - weird feeling.  I could definitely feel the gush.  Afterwards, we waited. And waited.  Contractions sped up, but at about 3pm, when my doctor came to check me, I was still only dilated at a 4, so they put me on pitocin.  My parents made it around 8:00 pm, and I was beginning to feel extreme pain, especially in my back.  I had already pushed the epidural button twice before, and I didn't like how much more numb it made me feel, but after coaxing from my nurse, and Eric, I pushed it again.  I felt like maybe my back was just hurting because I had been laying on it for so long, so my nurse turned me over on my side.  I couldn't help her at was kinda funny.  I would try to push up with my legs, but they would just slide to the side.  Being on my side helped some, but only some.  She flipped me over to my other side, and I held on to the rail, in such pain.  My parents came in to see me, and I felt so bad I couldn't even talk to them I was in so much pain.  They left, and we were really wondering where my doctor was.  She hadn't checked me since the last time at 3, when I was at a 4, and my new nurse, April, wouldn't check me.  She said my doctor liked to check herself (even though Linda, my first nurse checked me herself).  By the time my doctor finally got there, I was apparently ready to push - with as much pain as I was in on the epidural, who knows how long I was ready!

I always thought I'd be terrified when this moment came, but this time, I was so ready, so determined to get that baby out, I didn't care.  She told me some first time moms are pushing for 30 minutes to and hour - not this girl.  I was determined to finish this.  I had been in labor since 7 am.  I was ready.  I began pushing - of course couldn't feel a thing, which was weird, but she kept commenting on how good a pusher I was.  She even made me take oxygen in between pushes - I didn't feel like I needed it, but I took it anyways.  Finally, at 9:28 pm, Aiden was born.  The nurse unbuttoned my gown so we could do skin-to-skin, they wiped him off, and laid him on my chest.  This moment will forever be engrained in my mind as the most beautiful moment of it all.  Even as I type, I am tearing up.

I remember Eric was beside me, peering over my head at him.  We were both so happy to see him.  Aiden was instantly calm when laid on my chest.  He was laying, his face facing mine, and his sweet little hand laid on my chest.  He opened his eyes, and just stared into mine.  For the longest time, until they took him away. It was beautiful.  As they were finishing up on me, I think I remember watching them take him over to clean him.  Eric walked over there and watched and was calling to me things like "Baby, he's got Brown hair like me!"  I laughed and like always told him his hair was black.  It gets a little blurry from there.

The chaos began.

I remember Eric was holding Aiden sitting on the couch.  I remember feeling emense pain, and lots of tugging down there.  I remember asking my doctor if I tore and if she was just stitching me up.  She said I had torn a little, but that it was a level 2 tear.  She was massaging my belly.  Hard.  Over and Over.  It began to hurt.  Really Bad, and I began to wince, and writhe in pain.  At this point, I remember Eric coming over to my bedside, holding Aiden, and my doctor Yelled at the nurses, "CAN SOMEONE GET HIM TO SIT DOWN WITH THAT BABY!  HE'S GONNA FAINT SEEING ALL THIS BLOOD!"
Eric, turned, said "Alright Alright, I'm sitting"

It was then I knew something was not right.  I noticed more nurses pouring in.  Then my doctor yelled at the nurses:
The nurses all looked at each other, and didn't say a word, she kept asking, and a nurse said "I'm not sure who did it."
"WELL YOU WERE HERE WEREN'T YOU?!"  My doctor snapped.  I'd never heard her so angry, or stressed.  I knew something was wrong.  They called the anesthesiologist in.
 I remember him saying "We're gonna have to put her to sleep!"

At this point I was in so much pain.  I was writhing, tossing back and forth.  My doctor asked if I was in terrible pain.  I remember telling her to stop pushing my belly so much.  It felt so bruised, and she kept pushing hard.  She told me she had to, because my uterus wouldn't contract.

I remember her shouting orders of all sorts to the nurses to get different things.  I remember more meds going into my IV.  I began to feel sick.  They asked if I was ok.  I told them I was going to throw up.  Immediately a pan appeared by my face, and, as if on cue, I puked what little I had in me.  I laid back, and began shaking.  Uncontrollably.  I remember them telling me they were putting anti-nausea meds in my IV.  I remember a sweet new face, the same one who brought the pan, placing a warm blanket on me to help with the shaking.  My doctor stopped pressing.  A new IV went into my left arm.  They said they were taking me to the OR.  I started to calm down, and things got very blurry, but all I could think about was Eric, sitting on the couch, holding his brand new baby, wide eyed.  I remember giving him a thumbs up.  I wanted him to know that I was ok.  Then they wheeled me out. I later learned that they left Eric in the room all alone with Aiden until another nurse came in to clean up the blood. That makes me so sad to think about. 

I remember seeing the hallway lights pass, but it was all so blurry.  When I got into the OR, I remember seeing the big bright lights.  I remember new faces - men- and not even caring that they were gonna see me naked.  I was so out of it.  I remember being lifted to another bed.  They laid my arms out to my sides, and gave me what they said was Oxygen, but looking back, I wonder.  I don't remember anything from the OR, except that my arms kept falling, and they kept putting them back.

They finished, transferred me to another bed, and rolled me out.  I remember feeling so much better, but so tired, and SO VERY THIRSTY, like the most intense thirst ever.  They took me to the C-Section recovery area.  It was an area with "rooms" separated by curtains. April was still with me.  I asked where Eric was, and she said she'd get him.  He came in, and I remember being so incredibly happy to see him.  He kissed me, and I told him I was so thirsty.  He asked the nurse if I could have some water, and she said only Ice Chips.  He got me some, and fed them to me.  Those were the best tasting ice chips I'd ever had.  I found out my parents couldn't come back there, so Eric had to tell them, and they left. 

My doctor came in and told us that my Hemoglobin levels were still too low, and that I would need the next two units of blood.  The next TWO?!! How many units had I had?!  I really don't think I had realized I even got a blood transfusion until this point.  April hooked up the first unit, and we waited.  It drip. drip. dripped into the IV.  We were going to be there forever, and poor Eric only had a chair to sit in.  He had brought all our stuff down from our delivery room, so at least he had a pillow.  My doctor came in and said to make it drip faster, and that helped some.  The hospital pediatrician also came in while we were in there and said that Aiden was in the NICU because he was breathing a little too fast.  Nothing to worry about, he assured us, they were just taking precautions.  Of course I worried though.  I hadn't hardly even seen him yet.

We finally finished with the second unit of blood around 5 am.  We were so ready to get to a room and SLEEP! BUT April wouldn't let us go yet because she said our doctor wanted to be notified when we went to our room.  She wasn't answering any pages - probably because it was 5 am, and she'd been on call all night.  We waited and waited, until FINALLY April got a hold of her and told her they were moving me to a recovery room.  We were so incredibly tired, especially Eric, who had just spent the night in a very uncomfortable chair.

We were so happy to be done with the craziness of that night, and so ready to get some sleep.  Eric didn't even care that he had a very small couch to sleep on.  We probably woke up around 8:30 the next morning, and I was so eager to see Aiden.  I called the nurse, and asked if he could be brought to our room, and they said they were finishing tests on him, but that it would be soon.

They finally brought him to us later, and those first moments - just the three of us were precious, and I will never forget it.

The days in the hospital passed slowly for me.  Because of my complications, I ended up staying an extra day.  My blood pressure and HG levels were still not ideal.  I was so ready to get home and start life with my precious little angel.

Aiden is just so incredibly perfect.  We are so thankful to have him home with us, and to be starting this journey together.  It was a rough start, and we couldn't be more thankful for the doctors and nurses who attended to Aiden and Me while we were there.

This picture was taken by Cristen when Eric and the nurse brought Aiden down to meet everyone in the waiting room.

The wrerath I made and we hung on our door in the hospital.
I took this our first morning with Aiden.  A precious Daddy moment.

My mom captured this of my first moments with Aiden.
Aiden in his going home outfit.  

Finally Home.  Brinkley was excited.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

On Our Own Now...

My mom is gone. :(

So many emotions are going on inside of me.  I never knew motherhood could change you so totally and in an instant.  I am so incredibly happy, and yet, I feel like I could cry at any second!

I am sad that my mom is leaving,

But I am excited to begin this new endeavor on our own.

I am so incredibly happy and in love with my little one,

But I feel I am mourning the loss of just me and Eric times.  

I feel confident and in control,

But I am so incredibly worried about him.  All the time.  I could drive myself crazy with worry.

I feel oddly energetic at times,

But I feel physically and emotionally exhausted too.

I have been a mother for less than two weeks, but I feel like it's been forever since I could just do whatever I wanted to do on my own schedule.  

Eric and I were talking the other night about how we used to just go shopping on a whim, or out to eat just because we felt like it. Gone are those days.

We could stay up super late and watch Jimmy Fallon, or I could go to bed early if I was tired.  Now we are tied down to feeding schedules, and if we go to bed, it's to SLEEP!

We could make plans and not worry about anyone else - other than Brinkley, now we will have to plan to go out, or get Aiden all packed up to go with us.

All of that is changed now - and we will never have that back.  It's a bittersweet realization.   

BUT in exchange we get this PERFECT little bundle of love who needs us, and I am so thankful for him.We could spend hours just staring at him.  He has the sweetest way of just staring at you, as if studying you.  

He brings us so much laughter already, which is therapeutic after a night of little sleep.

He is so perfect, and we sometimes find ourselves feeling like he's still not ours - like someone is going to come and take him away any day.  We can't believe we are still hasn't quite sunk in yet.  I think we are still just in survival mode.

It was so wonderful having my mom here.  She is such a natural with Aiden, and I learned so much from her.  I could not have made it through that first week and a half without her. I only hope I am half the Mommy that she was to me.  

And although I am excited to start on my own, I will miss her terribly, and will probably be calling her quite often.

Thankfully I won't have to wait too long to see her again, as Labor Day Weekend is just around the corner!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

First dream of Aiden

So last night I had my first dream where I actually saw Aiden. He was super cute, and had lots of dark hair. It was a very weird dream though, and I was actually happy to still be pregnant when I woke up. 
First off, we didn't take any pictures at all in the hospital. None. When I got home I realized this and was so upset. THEN everyone was staying in one house with us - Eric's parents, my parents, and Eric's aunt Debi and Uncle Mike. It was a mess - clothes all over the floor - and I was a zombie. The only good thing was that my belly was flatter than ever. It was awesome.  Sunday rolled around - about 2 days after Aiden was born,  and we were getting ready to go to church - as if I would really go to church two days after giving birth. BUT before we left, I realized that I hadn't nursed Aiden at all. Like AT ALL since he was born. I started looking for him, and couldn't find him anywhere!  I was freaking out. I hadn't even heard him cry. Finally we found him - sleeping  soundly under a pile of clothes. 
I took him to my room to nurse him, and ALL the women came to help - my mom, Eric's mom, Eric's aunt Debi. They were all very...hands on. I got Aiden to latch on, laid my head back, and then when I looked back down at him, it was Brinkley nursing on me!!! All the women were gone, and I was freaking. Brinkley was going to town, and did not want to get off. I shoved him off, and he fought me to get back on. 
I got up and went to look for Aiden. I finally found him laying in the bed with Eric - and Brinkley. I picked him up to nurse him, and Brinkley jumped at me trying to get his too!  Then I woke up. 
It was absolutely insane, and I was very happy to wake up. Brinkley was sleeping with me in the recliner at the time, and he has been SUPER CLINGY and cuddly lately. I'm sure that's why he had a big part in the dream. I was glad to get a look at Aiden though. He was very calm and quiet - which a actually freaked me out. I think the thing I was most upset about in the dream though was not taking pictures, so I was so happy to still have that chance. 
But let's just make that time come soon!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Learning how to Shop on Etsy: My Etsy Experience

I love Etsy.  I really do.  I have ordered so many things from Etsy, and have been very pleased with them all...until now.  I don't want to discourage anyone from purchasing on Etsy.  I will continue to shop on Etsy, but I had to learn how to shop on Etsy.  I think there are many people who are still not familiar with Etsy, or don't quite know their way around it.  I wanted to post about my experiences with Etsy, and give a little buying advice from my experience.

These are the first items I bought through Etsy:

1. The first item I bought on Etsy was this cute print from Graphic Anthology.  This shop has a lot of cute prints, and there are prints on Etsy for just about every quote, song lyric, and bible verse that you can imagine.  
2. I bought three bubble necklaces for Christmas gifts.  I actually bought them from different shops, but they were all in China, so shipping took A LOOOONG TIME.  In fact,  the one I ordered for Candice (My Bro-in-law's fiance) didn't make it in time for Christmas.  But the necklaces were cute, and the seller was very nice, so I left good feedback on her shop.  Here is where I learned LESSON #1 when Shopping on Etsy: Always look at where the shop is located.
 3. I ordered a super cute Gender Reveal Party Package from The Paper Blossom Shop.  You can find all sorts of cute party decor here, and in several other shops on Etsy.  Etsy is a great place to order your stationary, Invites, Photo Announcements, etc.  This set came with personalized invitations, Party Circles, Welcome sign, centerpieces, and Water bottle Labels.  It also came with other non-personalized items such as cupcake wrappers, buntings, etc.  I ordered this without looking at other pictures in the listing, and without reading what all it came with.  I then saw a listing in her shop for water bottle labels, so I ordered those as well, not realizing that the package I had ordered already came with them.  Thankfully she was very sweet and messaged me about the mistake, and refunded the money for the water bottle labels. Here is where I learned LESSON #2 when Shopping on Etsy:  ALWAY LOOK AT ALL THE PICTURES IN THE LISTING, AND READ EVERYTHING IN THE DESCRIPTION.

4. I bought my baby bedding back in April from Dandelion Baby Blanket.  (I linked this to her feedback, because she has since deleted her shop.)
 This has by far been the WORST Etsy experience, and probably the most valuable lesson I learned while shopping on Etsy.  I custom ordered my bedding, and she was very quick to get back with me on the details of my order.  I paid $330 for the bedding, and then I saw that her policy said it would take up to 12 weeks for the order to be shipped.  This was my first mistake with this order - not reading the shipping policies, but I figured 12 weeks was before my due date anyways, so no biggie.  Later on, though I found her feedback, and it was ALL horrible.   Pretty much all of it was saying they didn't receive their order in the specified time frame, and that she completely ignored all of their inquiries.  Second Mistake: Not Reading Shop Feedback.  This is only her most recent feedback.  There is SO much more.

This made me really nervous, so I messaged her and she got right back to me:

I left her alone until last Week - week 12.  I asked her about the status of my order, and if it would ship that week.  Again, she got right back to me and told me it would ship on Friday:

I was really excited thinking that maybe she had learned from all the bad feedback, and my order would actually be on time.  But it's been a week now, and she has not only been ignoring my inquiries, but she has also deleted her shop.  I am feeling like she is taking my money and running with it, and what's sad is that I'm not the only one she's doing this to.  I will probably have to dispute it through PayPal.

I learned a few important lessons with this experience:

Lesson #3 when buying on Etsy:  ALWAYS READ SHOP POLICIES

Lesson #4 when buying on Etsy: ALWAYS READ FEEDBACK!!

I have really only had the one bad experience with Etsy.  I will continue to buy from Etsy, but I have learned some very important lessons through my first 4 Etsy Purchases.  Since then, I have purchased many other items, and have been VERY PLEASED:

5. We ordered these 16 x 20 Vintage Baseball prints from Gemini Studio.  They shipped very quickly, and we LOVE them.  This guy has a ton of awesome prints in his shop that I have favorited.
6. I ordered these vintage locker baskets from Third Times Charming.  Again, they shipped quickly, and look great.  This shop is full of vintage pieces.
7. I ordered this baby girl Texans onesie for my sister-in-law Megan's baby shower.  I ordered it from Gifts We Love.  She doesn't have anything in her shop anymore, but I was very please with this order.
8.  I ordered these baby headbands and another set of 3 for Megan's shower as well.  These are from Fab Flower Headbands.  She has SO MANY precious headbands in her shop, and I loved the ones I got.  I will be ordering from her again.

9. I ordered a Contour changing pad like this one but a different print from Designs By Christy S.  She has some bad feedback, but most of the complaints about not receiving orders on time were because of the tornados in Oklahoma City, which is where she is from.  Thankfully my order shipped and I am pleased with it.
10.  I ordered this cute print for Aiden's room with a picture of  Malti-Poo on it, and of course Aiden's name.  I ordered this from Wallfry.  It shipped from Australia, but it shipped really quickly, and looks AWESOME.  I love it.
11 &12. I ordered my Diaper bag and a pacifier holder from Bag Envy.  The bag is Navy Chevron with Orange Lining.  I am also having it personalized with Aiden's name.  I haven't received it yet, but it should ship next week.  I'm not worried about this one.  She has RAVE reviews.  Her bags are awesome.

 13. I ordered these Onesie Stickers from Buddha Bellies.  They are too cute.  These ladies are really talented and have just about every type on onesie sticker you could dream of.  They shipped quick, and look great!
14. I ordered this Wet Bag to match my diaper bag from Pink Pigeon Creations.  I was very pleased with it as well, and the shop has lots more cute items like this.
15. I ordered this Travel wipes case from Baby Penelope.  I love it.  It looks great, and shipped quickly.
16.  I ordered this Car Seat Cover from Kit Carson Blue.  I haven't received it yet, but I can't wait!

17. I ordered this precious little crocheted newsboy hat from My Sweet Baby Etsy.  She has a lot more cute crocheted items.  I love this one, and can't wait to use it in Aiden's newborn session.
18. I LOVE my little Astros Crocheted hat and diaper cover!  I ordered it from Handmade by Chhunneang.  Her crocheted items are absolutely precious!  I will probably order from her again!

Hopefully this helps some who aren't as familiar with Etsy to have a positive experience.  I love Etsy, but it's important to know who to order from and who not to order from!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Daddy's Hospital Survival Kit

I saw this cute idea on Pinterest a while back:

Right away, I knew I had to do that for Eric too.  He's been so sweet and patient with me throughout this pregnancy, and he deserves a little "Pampering" too!  I started looking for some of his favorite snacks and candies.  I skipped the magazines, because we'll have my kindle and our phones.  I also wanted to find a few comfortable new things for him wear while at the hospital.  I put it all together last night (in case something didn't fit and I needed to take it back), and waited for him to come home.

Here's what I came up with:

I had it ready and sitting on the island for when he came home from work.  I wrote a little note inside the card telling him how much I appreciate him and so on.  He's a pretty special guy. :)

 Here's everything I included in his little kit:

  1.  FEED for Target Short Sleeve Shirt  - This is one of the softest T-Shirts I've found, and HE LOVED it.  I'm gonna go back today and get him the Gray one.
  2.  Mossimo by Target Short Sleeve Shirt - He has a couple of these, and they are very soft.  Love them.
  3. POLO V-Neck T-Shirt - I found this at Dillards, and thought it was so super soft, but this one is going back.  It's HUGE, and not attractive on at all.  Oh Well...
  4. Polo Super Soft Comfy Pants - These are so soft, and he loves the Polo sweatpants.  These are just lightweight cotton, so they are perfect for lounging around in.  They were a keeper.
  5. Soft Comfy Shorts from Dillards - These are just a basic Dillards brand soft cotton shorts.  These are keepers too.  
  6. Bag of quarters for the Vending Machine - I got him snacks, but who know how long we'll be there.  Quarters will definitely come in handy!
  7. Builders Bars - These are his favorite flavor.
  8. Sour Punch Straws - Anything Sour, and he's happy!
  9. Two Gatorades - These will come in handy.
  10. Starbucks VIA Refreshers Valencia - This is his new favorite Starbucks drink, and I was excited to find this.  I really wanted to find a cool "Daddy" cup to go with them, but couldn't find one I liked.
  11. Chapstick - He loves his chapstick.
  12.  Lindt HELLO chocolate bars - He's never had these before, and neither have I, but I found them at Target, and they look so yummy (I may actually be the one eating these!).  I bought Strawberry Cheesecake, Cookies and Creme, and Caramel Brownie.  They also have a Nougat Crunch flavor, but it must be very popular, because they were all out.
  13. More Sour punch Straws
  14. Sour Patch Kids - His Favorite Sour Candy
He's all set for the hospital!  Daddy's Hospital Kit is getting packed in my bag this week so it'll be ready when the time comes!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Week 35 Update, and a Children's Book Themed Shower

I am so bad about blogging on time, but better late than never, I guess.  First things first, here is my week 35 update.  No chalkboard picture this time, but I've got something better - a preggo sisters-in-law picture!

Week: 35
Stretch marks? Nope.
Wedding rings on or off? Still fingers look so chubby!!  I can't even wear my watches now!  My wrists have always been so tiny that I could put my touch my thumb to my pinkie wrapped around my wrists and still have a little room.  Now I can't even touch them!
Best moment this week:
Eric and I took a full day child birthing class two Saturdays ago.  We feel so much more prepared now.  Eric knows how to time my contractions, and exactly when and where to take me when the time comes!  He also learned quite a bit about different coping positions to help me with pain, and how to rub my back to help - he was quite the class clown during all the breathing...I'm sure he'll take it much more seriously when the time comes!
I checked two big things off the list this week - Newborn Photography, and Pediatrician!  It feels so good to check things off!
We also had an awesome shower from Southeast two Sundays ago.  Eric and I are truly blessed to be a part of such a loving congregation.  Sweet Allison did an awesome job coordinating the shower!  The theme was just perfect!  She did a fantastic job getting things together and making it look amazing!  She went with them children's book theme - so me!  I LOVED IT, and my wonderful hostesses all did such a great job decorating.  Here are a few pictures from the shower:
Food Table 1

Food Table 2

Here's Mama Rue signing in and putting her address on an envelope.

I love all of the books and book characters - thanks to Stacie VanLoenen for providing them!

Such a pretty cake!

I love this banner that Allison put together!  She is so talented!

All my wonderful hostesses!

So much Love

Holly, Megan, Me, and my Mom

Book themed food!  Cookies for If you Give a Mouse a Cookie, and Blueberry Muffins for Blueberries for Sal.

Meatballs for Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and Ham Sandwiches for Green Eggs and Ham

Lemonade for Lemonade for Sale, and fruit for The Very Hungry Caterpillar

A Veggie Tray for The Tale of Peter Rabbit

And look!  The Fruit Tray was made to look like The Very Hungry Caterpillar!  How creative!!

Me and my "helpers".  Jordan helped by handing me presents, and pulling out tissue paper, and Megan wrote down all my gifts for me!
The shower was wonderful, and I am so thankful for such an amazing church family!

Week 35 update continued:

Miss Anything? Just being comfortable...BUT about a week after I posted my rant post about my Sciatica, I woke up and it had magically disappeared!  I have felt SOOOO much better since then.  Food Cravings: Nope.  

Movement:  I love watching him do flips in there!  My belly does the wave several times a day.  His kicks aren't so much kicks anymore. They are more like a sliding motion - like he straightens his leg out and moves it down the inside of my belly.  It always takes me by surprise, and kinda tickles.  I can't help but laugh out loud when he does it!
Belly Button in or out? I don't know how it could pop out any more!
Happy or Moody most of the time?  Happy - now that Summer School is over, and i can just relax at home.  I am getting restless - very anxious for him to be here.  Just trying to relax and nap as much as I can - WHILE I can! 

Looking forward to: Being Full Term in two weeks!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Week 31...

Week: 31
Stretch marks? Nope.
Wedding rings on or off? Off.  Been off the past few weeks.  My whole body is swelling, and it's so annoying.  I haven't been able to wear any shoes other than flip-flops, and since we aren't allowed to wear those at school, I only have one pair - who knew.  I've been wearing them to school every day (Thankful my principals are awesome and don't make me squeeze into my too tight shoes).
I honestly think this has been one of the worst parts of this .  My feet ALWAYS hurt.  I broke down crying one night (I used to never cry, now I do quite a lot)  while Eric rubbed my feet because I was so tired of them hurting.  As I'm typing, I've had to reposition several times to put my feet up because they started swelling and hurting.  
Best moment this week:  Well, since I haven't posted in almost 6 weeks, we'll do top 5 best moments lately:
1. Seeing Aiden at our 28 week appointment.  My placenta was low at week 20, so they scheduled another ultra sound for week 28 to make sure it moved.  I was awesome getting to see him, and the technician did a 3D image for us.  We got to see some of his features - his sweet little chubby cheeks!

2. Getting the crib in the room.  Holly and Ismael helped us pick it up, and then Eric and Ismael put it together.
3.  Getting Shelves put in the closet for added storage.  Eric and Ismael built them.  They did a great job.
4.  Getting the dresser.  We went back and forth on what we would do for the dresser, and finally decided to go with the dresser that matched the crib.  
5. Putting the shelves up for Aiden's books.  We bought picture ledges from Ikea.  Saw the idea on Pinterest.  Pictures of all these room additions coming soon.
Miss Anything? Oh gosh, I'm so over being pregnant at this point.  I really miss being able to run though.  I had been trying to walk for exercise every night, and one evening just decided to try and jog.  It felt really foreign, but good too (I only went like maybe 20 yards...I was a little cautious).  However, since then, my Sciatic Nerve has been KILLING me.  Now I know what the waddle is all about.  I have to take Tylenol every morning and afternoon for walking to even be bearable.  That, plus my feet being swollen has really been hard.
Food Cravings: Nothing new.  
Movement:  Moving a lot! It makes me forget about how miserable I am!
Belly Button in or out? Oh it's definitely out.  All the way.  You can see it a little in the picture.
Happy or Moody most of the time?  Moody.  It's super hot, which makes swelling worse, and not to mention SLEEP!
I feel HUGE and it doesn't help when some people comment on how big I am and I get these comments:
"Are you sure you're not having twins?"  
"Wow!  You're HUGE for seven months!"
"I can't believe those are maternity jeans!  I didn't wear maternity jeans until I was seven months pregnant!"
"I can't believe you're not due until August!  You're so big!"
Honestly, the things that come out of some people's mouths.  I have done a really good job holding my tongue. 
Now with my Sciatic nerve problems, all I wanna do is lay on an ice pack when I get home.  I am teaching summer school, but it's only 12 half days.  I can do this!  :)
Ok, enough venting.  I am just so ready for this baby to be here, so I can love on him - and feel normal again!  It does make me feel good that my doctor told me I was measuring only a week ahead, and didn't even look that big.  I laughed out loud, and then had to tell her that she's the first person to tell me that!  It also makes me feel good when some people are the opposite of the above, and comment on how good I look pregnant.  If you are one of those people, THANK YOU!  It makes my day.  I think every pregnant woman needs to hear that.
Eric has been so wonderful with my moody self.  He even cleaned the shower for me the other day!  He's so sweet.
Looking forward to: Summer school being over so I can just sit with my feet up in the air conditioning all day while I wait for Aiden's arrival.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Lovin on Brinkley

I had to snuggle a little extra with my sweet Brinkley when I got home today.

As I was leaving school, the teacher in the car in front of me had to stop because a little dog walked right in front of her car, and then around the side to sit in the shade of her car.  When she got out of her car, he jumped in and sat in front of the air conditioning.  I helped her get him out of the way so she could drive off, but then he ran under my car and just sat in the shade - panting so hard.  This little baby looked like Brinkley, except probably hasn't had a haircut in months and looked like he hasn't been bathed either.  I tried carrying him over to the grass, away from my car, but he kept running back under my car to sit in the shade.

I was too worried about him.  He needed shade, and water.  He was obviously overheated - it was 95 degrees outside!  I carried the poor baby up to the school and asked the ladies in the front office for some water for him.  They brought it out, and he drank like he hadn't had water in a week.  I started to walk off (my car was still running in the the school drive), but he tried to follow me.  Poor baby.  The ladies from the front office distracted him so I could get away.

I don't understand some people who own dogs.  Why do you own a dog if you have no plans to take care of it??  There is no reason a dog should be just outside in the heat of the day.  It is waaay too hot.  I don't even take Brinkley for a walk in the summer time until about 7:30 when the sun is down.  I also make sure and keep his hair short in the summer to keep him cool.  It makes me so sad when I see dogs mistreated.  I just don't understand.  I wish I could have just taken him home.  I just might if he shows up again.

For now, I'll just love on my buddy.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Frazier Shower

I am so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful school family.  I have thoroughly enjoyed the past five years working at Frazier Elementary.  I have thought several times about how nice it would be to work at one of the schools in my neighborhood, but I just can't even think about leaving Frazier.

I had my first shower today - thrown by my team of support folks.  They did such a good job putting it all together, and I am so blessed to have such sweet friends.  Here are a few pictures from today.

First off, check out these awesome invites that my sweet friends Katie and Charity made!  So cute!

They did a great job decorating Mine and Charity's HUGE open office - open concept classrooms can be difficult to make look pretty.  They did a great job.

They had people bring in baby pictures ahead of time, and everyone tried to guess who was who as they came in.  It was tough!!

Isn't this cake awesome?!  One of our parents made it and the cupcakes, and the cake was AMAZING.

 LOVE the balloons!

 I love this little idea to have them write a note on a diaper.  They were pretty hilarious.

The shower was all day - come and go, so teams came in and ate and hung out during their lunch.  We were allowed to wear jeans for teacher appreciation week, and sports shirts today for the shower.  Here's our Kinder team, all sitting down eating, while trying to figure out the baby photos.

I got some much needed gifts and LOTS of gift cards.  Aiden is blessed.

Look at these super cute little outfits my team got me to display!  You can't see it very well, but there are some super cute personalized Texans items up there Charity ordered from Etsy.  I LOVE them!  She knows me too well!

This is one of my favorite activities that people worked on as they came and went.  I LOVE this, and had to post several of my favorites:
Maria was one of two who addressed the wish to me and not the baby, and I love it.  :)

 Erica, one of the four Frazier preggos, and a sweet friend.  

 Sweet Allison, one of our ABLE teachers, and one of my support teammates, who helped to set up the shower and make it look amazing.  I don't think he'll have a choice in whether or not he loves the Texans, and I sure do hope he loves to read too!

 Sweet, sweet, sweet Sarah, who I team taught with every year except this year.  She's golden.

 Of course, my sweet friend, and partner in crime this year, Charity.  She worked so hard on all the details of the shower to make it PERFECT.  She made these little cards, and they look amazing.  I will miss being PF with her next year, but I am excited for her to be back in First Grade doing what she is so talented at - teaching.

 And my other sweet friend Katie, our Resource teacher who worked along with Charity to make the shower amazing.  She has been such an encouragement to me this year, not to mention a complete goofball.  I have loved our little lunch group, and all three of us (Katie, Charity and me) being in the same pod.

My Principal, Wendy.  She has done a great job leading our school, and has always made sure we have what we need. 

And here's my little foursome - My lunch bunch, and wonderful friends.  They are pretty special.

Susan Blue, our Counselor; Me; Katie Belus, our Resource Teacher; Charity Boone, our Math Coach.

Goodness I'm HUGE.  UGH!  It doesn't help that I squeeeezed into a non-maternity Astros shirt.  Nevertheless, the shower was very special, and I am very blessed.  I can't wait for Aiden to meet all of the wonderful Frazier folks.  THANKS FRAZIER FAMILY!!