
Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Prayer

Today, I'm posting about one of my favorite hymns I grew up singing in church and with my family when we would get together to sing.
This song is engrained in my head, thankfully.  Whenever there is a situation in my life or anyone's life for that matter, this song comes to mind.  If you just read it, it is the best prayer you can pray in times of struggle.  I started really reciting it to myself when my Mimi died.  I think I've posted before, but I had the hardest time dealing with that.  I quit praying for a while.  I figured, what's the point.  Thankfully I have parents who took a lot of my Mimi's wisdom, and reminded me over and over that God does things for a reason, and sometimes his answer to a prayer is "No".  I still struggle with losing Mimi, but I have realized that good things have come out of her death.
 I still find myself praying these words whenever I feel myself getting worked up over things out of my control.  I try not to, but I have turned a bit into a worrier - I guess I get it from my mom, although I always tell her to chill out.  She'll go wothout sleep worrying.  She has more to feel like she needs to worry about though I guess - My brother and his family, me, my sister and her boyfriend, her home, her health, my dad's health....  
Oh Boy!  I better recite this daily or I'll be up all night worrying when I have kids too!  Right now I worry about Eric  alot.  I worry if he's not happy and I feel like it's my job to make sure he is.  I worry about him getting his CPA.  I worry about Brinkley - ever since our little scare with him, I am always worried about letting him go outside alone, and always check for bites!  I constantly worry about my hair falling out - most know, but if not, I have alopecia, so my hair falls out in round clumps.  I worry about money a lot, and whether we will have things paid off by the time we are ready for kids.
I worry about doing my best in my job.  I worry about each and every one of my students, and whether I'm giving them what they need.  I worry so much about sweet friends who have been affected with cancer.  I have to remind myself of where I was when Mimi passed away and refuse to let Satan affect my prayers for them.  I now worry about my sweet sister in law far away in New Jersey, and her husband who is in the air force. I worry about my own brother and sister, and just want happiness for them. I worry about my family too, being so far away.  Why can't I have them all at arms reach to be sure they're ok?  But then, I'm sure that's exactly how Mom feels.  Boy, she's strong to be able to 
Let Go and Let God.  
 Well here's my prayer, and hopefully it will be of help to you too.  Memorize it, and recite it when you feel yourself trying to take the reins.
God is in Control.

Prince of peace, control my will;
Bid this struggling heart be still:
Bid my fears and doubtings cease:
Hush my spirit into peace. 
Thou hast bought me with Thy blood,
Opened wide the gate to god;
Peace I ask, but peace must be,
Lord, in being one with Thee. 
May Thy will, not mine be done;
May Thy will and mine be one;
Chase these doubtings from my heart,
Now Thy perfect peace impart. 
Savior, at Thy feet I fall,
Thou, my life, my God, my all;
Let Thy happy servant be
One forevermore with Thee. 

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Heather. Thank you so much for reminding me of this song/prayer. I learned it when I was at Harding many years ago and it was always one of my favorites. I haven't thought of it in a while but will be praying it often now. Thank you for your prayers and I will be praying for your worrying to decrease and your trust to grow. Love you.
